maaslin3 - "Refining and extending generalized multivariate linear models for meta-omic association discovery"
MaAsLin 3 refines and extends generalized multivariate linear models for meta-omicron association discovery. It finds abundance and prevalence associations between microbiome meta-omics features and complex metadata in population-scale epidemiological studies. The software includes multiple analysis methods (including support for multiple covariates, repeated measures, and ordered predictors), filtering, normalization, and transform options to customize analysis for your specific study.
Last updated 3 days ago
8.09 score 30 stars 34 scripts 59 downloadschyper - Functions for Conditional Hypergeometric Distributions
An implementation of the probability mass function, cumulative density function, quantile function, random number generator, maximum likelihood estimator, and p-value generator from a conditional hypergeometric distribution: the distribution of how many items are in the overlap of all samples when samples of arbitrary size are each taken without replacement from populations of arbitrary size.
Last updated 7 months ago
4.00 score 8 scripts 226 downloads